Tuesdays 6-7:15 PM EST
Weekly (last class on Dec 3rd 2024)
Yoga means union. Our physical bodies literally come from the earth and return to the earth. We share breath with each other and the trees. The same mysterious animating force is in all of us. Our breath can influence our minds, our minds can influence our bodies and vice versa. We are unique, individual beings in separate physical bodies in living in very different social contexts and we are part of a greater whole. Therefore, my approach is a holistic one.
I honor the deep lineage of yoga which stems from India’s Hindu roots. I aim in my teaching and practice to appreciate the tradition, rather than appropriate it. I also view yoga as a living tradition and practice — one that has always adapted to the times and the people. Therefore I feel congruent to combine yogic movements with somatic movements and other concepts that are helpful for myself and my student’s living in today’s modern world in a practice that I call Gentle Yoga for the Nervous System.
Gentle Yoga for the Nervous System
Self-study (svadyaya): Exploration, curiosity, inner-listening, self-reflection
Present moment awareness
Agency, choice and establishing inner-authority
Rest, rejuvenation, nourishment
Right-sized challenges
Embodied recognition that we are part of something greater
Deep love for our very human selves as we are
Living our practice in the world
Yoga Trainings and Certifications
500-RYT Yoga Teacher
Viveka Subtle Body- Online 50-hour module with Annie Carpenter. 2021
Radiant Body Yoga 300-Hour Teacher Training Modules with Kia Miller. 2016-2020
Panca Bhuta 250-Hour Yoga Training with Richard Rosen and Mary Paffard. 2019
Radiant Body Yoga 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training with Kia Miller. 2016
Sarah Power’s Insight Yoga 100-Hour Yin/ Insight Yoga Training. 2015
Jivani Yoga 300-Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training. 2015
Golden Bridge 200-Hour Yoga Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training with Gurmukh. 2015• Gentle Yoga
“One must be connected with their breath to feel their body. A connection to the body allows one to feel their heart. A connection with the heart allows one to become clear about their values so that they may connect with their humanity.”
– Michelle C. Johnson